Our Plan

We, like many of you, are ready to get back to church as normal.  Unfortunately, the days and times we are living in will not make it possible for us to go back to the way things were in the past for quite some time.  However, we can plan to tackle this as best as we can.  So, here is our plan for Passion Community Church.

Our Plan

Currently all public schools are closed to outside groups. Due to the school being closed we have moved our services to Camp Carl located at 8054 Calvin Rd.  Ravenna, Ohio.  Camp Carl has been so gracious to give us a temporary home until the time that the schools again open up to outside groups.  


We are meeting indoors and in person.  Per the request of the local health departments and the governor of the state of Ohio we ask that you wear mask.  If you forgot to bring yours we will have disposal mask you can have!  

We do ask that mask are worn at the very least while walking to and from your socially distanced seat.  However we highly encourage you to wear the mask the entire service.  

When you arrive a greeter will assist you in getting a chair and finding a socially distance location in which to sit.  If you do not feel comfortable meeting in person you can stay in your car at camp and listen on your radio at FM 92.9.  If either of these options are not do not work for you we do livestream our services on Facebook live and on our here on our website!  Click here to see the livestream!   

For the time being we are having a socially distanced Kids church.  All precautions are being taken to keep your kids safe (Sanitized, gloves, and health checks of teachers and helpers).  Snacks are always a big part of kids church for now we are doing single use snacks.  If you do not want to send your child to Kids church they are welcome to stay with you at your seats and we will provide a sermon bag to help keep them occupied during the service!  


For the time being we will not have coffee time, and any other personal interactions.  I know that we are a church who is very much like family.  But please do not hug, shake hands, and by all means no holy kisses for now!   We are asking you to be creative in sharing your love and joy with each other while not sharing the virus and from six feet apart!    


Camp Carl does have restroom facilities.  However, we are asking you to limit the visits to the facilities and also limit it to you and your family members only at one time.  Sorry ladies but you will have to use the restroom without your girlfriends!  


If you feel at all nervous and or sick or have been around someone who is sick, please remain at home and join us via online church or via Facebook live.  We look forward to remaining in worship with you online and now also in person!  

Steps we are taking for your safety! 

1.     We will be asking that you take your temperature and stay at home if you have any fever, or if you are in any way ill.  In addition, please do not attend if you or a family member has been with someone that has or has been exposed to Covid-19 in the past 14 days.

2.     All individuals coming into Passion will be required to wear a mask when coming and going, including the use of bathrooms.  When you reach your seats, you may remove masks.  A mask will be provided to you if you do not have one.
3.     Doors will be propped open to allow entry without touching the door handles. As much as we would love to greet you with a hug or handshake, we will not be doing so for the immediate time frame.
4.     We are temporarily no longer serving coffee and or snacks until we enter a later phase of the return program.  Make sure to fill up before coming to church!
5.  We will require all chairs to be separated by family units and at least at a distance of 6 feet from fellow congregants.

6.  We will also ask you not to hug or shake hands for the time being until we again reach a different timetable.

7.  We do have kids church with precautions.  However if you would rather not send your child we do have sermon bags available to help them enjoy the service with you!  
8.     All small groups will remain online or if weather permits, outdoors until further notice.
9.     All door handles and surfaces that we come in contact with will be sanitized regularly before, during, and after each service. 

10.  We highly recommend that if you are at risk, elderly, or for any reason nervous, that you remain at home and attend our services via Facebook live or our live stream at the website.